I guess Sarah and Ty broke up 

I guess Sarah and Ty broke up

Yesterday when I went to go meet Ty at his bus stop and he told me that Ryan (a kid from his class that also rides the same bus) had another girlfriend. I asked him why he thought that and he said, "Because there is always a girl waiting for him when he gets off the bus". Then the conversation went to a girl at school that Ty calls "Cwoe". Now I can just assume that her name is really "Chloe" but who knows these days.

Anyhow, Ty says that is his new girlfriend and when I asked what she looked like he said, "She has long hair on the sides and in the back and it's brown and her face, well, it's just beautiful". How sweet is that? Although it sounds like he prefers a specific type because those details sound alot like what Sarah looked like (his EX from preschool). I'll have to see for myself next time I go up there. He also told me that he likes her and she likes him and sometimes they sit together at lunch. I just think that is the cutest thing ever!

He is also learning so much at school too. He is writing his letters very well and sounding them out very well too, for example he knows that apple begins with the letter A. It's so wonderful to see how far he is coming along and how their routines work. I ate lunch with him last week and all the kids get in a line and get one fork out of one bucket, a spoon out of another bucket, a napkin and then a milk. Then they go through the food line and tell the lunch lady what they do or don't want on their tray and on to the cashier to tell them their name. We then ate while all the kids told me how they "had a monster truck at home" or how they "went to Seaworld". It was fun, I may have to break down and have some of that aweful food again to go visit my baby soon.


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