update on the princess bed saga and more 

update on the princess bed saga and more

Things are reversed from what I planned. She now wants to sleep at night time in the crib and naps in her princess bed. That is fine with me as long as she is napping! Yesterday she took a pretty good nap and I was so relieved. I so didn't want another day like the day before. If I call any of the princesses just a princess I am quickly corrected with a "no mommy, that's Tinderella" or Peeping Beauty or Snow Wipes. This girl loves her princesses! It's cute but she's just as tough and "boyish" as Tyler is sometimes. Of course he likes to put her "tinderella" shoes on just to tick her off at times.

Tyler is SO into Star Wars..... We went to a super bowl party and there he went up to a friend of ours and talked to her about Star Wars and told her he had the number 5 one and asked if she wanted to come over and watch it with him. I don't think I've ever seen him so into anything like this before. At one point in the night he found the cutest blonde(she is around 22) there and plopped right down next to her and had the longest conversation. His mannerisms were so cute, he had one leg crossed over the other with one hand on his ankle and the other on his knee, he looked so grown up. She then tried to get a pic of him with Ava and another little girl there and he fingered her over and whispered in her ear, "If I do this for you, you can't tell anyone". He didn't want "the guys" watching the game to see him sitting next to the other little girl. So he went under the table with the two of them, sat in the middle and put his arm around each one. Typical man, can't show his sensitve side around the guys. She got a really cute pic. He came from under the table saying, "did any of the guys see me?". What's next, cooties?

Tyler's new phrase to add to his own vocabulary:
"the soap is already scrubby"- This is when you pick up the soap and the underside is still wet and slippery.

My third favorite man was on Oprah yesterday, Tim McGraw.


Mmmm Mmmm Mmm! Need I say more?


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Comment Rhobin, I remembered March 7th just like last year, but again I didn't want to bring it up. It must be the motherly instinct in me. A mother always tries to protect her young from pain wheather it be physical or emotional. You were fortunate to be blessed with another child and Ava is also very fortunate, she has an Angel for a sister and who knows maybe she's even her Gardian Angel. They say, " We may not know why, but there is always a reason why things happen." I truley believe this. Put your mind at ease Love, MOM

Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:18 pm MST by MOM

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