No poke please 

No poke please

Today I was going to get Ava a happy meal for lunch after I picked Tyler up from school since she and I had a late breakfast. Ty already had lunch at school so I normally just give him her drink because that's all he wants. I asked him if he wanted lemonaide today and his response was "Yes, I would like some wemomaide (lemonaide) but I don't like poke in my wemomaide". Turns out he doesn't like pulp in his lemonaide.

Remember Govel? For those who don't scroll down to number 14 on the list of Tyler's words. Well, now we have to buckle Govel into the car everytime we go somewhere. Tyler or I has to buckle the middle seatbelt in between the two car seats for Govel and then when we arrive somewhere we have to unbuckle it. Great, so now I have 3 kids, a little girl, a boy and an invinsible space man.

Tyler's Dictionary

1. Spray boat: watercraft commonly referred to as a jetski (5-31-04/ 3 yrs)

2. Water gilwee: when a cup of water is poured slowly into a tub of water creating a waterfall (6-1-04/ 3 yrs)

3. Popcorn peanut: popcorn kernels that remain in the bottom of the bowl (5-29-04/ 3 yrs

4. Pile of water: gathering of water we refer to as a puddle (5-29-04/ 3 yrs)

5. Cool fox: the thread used to floss teeth (June 2004)

6. Flip pops: sandals worn mainly in the summer months; also known as flip flops

7. Member: abbreviated form of remember

8. Cinnamon roll: a pinwheel or the huge striped lollipops normally found at amusement parks or old general stores. (June 2004)

9. Raincoat: coat worn to go out into the rain or the black and white suit referred to by most as a tuxedo. (June 2004)

10. Noggin: the area that most would call a forehead,
not any other part of the head, just the forehead.

11. Bone: the object we refer to as a shoulder.

12. Almos got: almost forgot; most frequently used in
sentences such as "Mommy (or Daddy) you almos got to
give me an m&m for going peepee"

13. Angos: the little colored dots that we call
freckles; also known as spots. I just figured this one
out tonight. (June 4, 2004)

14. Goffle: invisible friend that lives on the moon.
His Mom is named Gorgeous and Dad is Tim. He resembles
Tyler's grandpa (known as Papa), "but smaller". Goffle
travels via rocket like Buzz Lightyear from the movie
Toy Story.(Invented around 3yrs old)
11/2004 Goffel is now GOVEL and he has a little brother who was 7 months old about 2 weeks ago to 5 months old now. Govel is a ghost and nobody can see him except Tyler.

15. Waffles & Ketchup: waffles and syrup, typically
eaten in the morning followed by what is known as a
"cake cookie" (oatmeal cookie).

16. Push: his blue pillow he can not sleep without.
Well it was blue, now it is multi colored from dirt
and bloody noses and who knows what else.

17. Lil bitty wiggly: appendage known as the baby or pinky toe.

18. Tomato- Tonight as we drove home from Austin in bad weather Tyler told me he thought he saw a tomato?. I looked all around trying to see what he could be referring to as his vocabulary is quite good now, and he just kept saying it over and over. Finally I put it together! You mean you thought you saw a TORNADO?? He says," yes that's what I said, I think I saw a TORMADO!"(11-21-04 4 years old)

19. Shoatgun- A peter pan type weapon most refer to as a sword. On 11-19-04 he had a friend over where the 2 of them argued that the sword was according to Tyler, a shoatgun, and according to his friend Clay, a Dord. (10/04 4 years old)

20. Poke- Commonly referred to as pulp, most often found in orange juice or wemomaide (lemonaide). Used in a sentence such as: "I would like some wemomaide (lemonaide) but I don't like poke in my wemomaide". (01/27/05 4 yrs)

Black and white was his favorite "color" up until
about last week when it changed to purple. He also
demands that my favorite color is green and Daddy's is
blue. Go figure. (June 4, 2004)


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