Long over due post 

Long over due post

I have been keeping so busy lately with the planning of Mikey's graduation party, my new found love for the gym(I have to make up for my also new found love of Chia tea), planning our vacation and just life in general. My Dad bought a house recently and I am so happy to see him content. It's gorgeous and maybe I can get some pics of it up soon. Tyler's team got creamed this past Saturday. I think the other team was really 16 year old midgets. We were all joking that we wanted to see their birth certificates. What really matters is that the kids had fun, they had no idea of how bad they got beat. I am so glad they don't keep score at this age.

Ava is getting her eye teeth in and boy has she been grouchy. Even when she is grouchy she is still a pretty good baby. Her new favorite word is shhoos (shoes). She has found that when she jumps in her crib it is like a trampoline, and she loves it! She just giggles and giggles. She is recognizing people now too. She sees them in pictures and calls them by name, the ones she sees often anyway.

Mikey has had a few job interviews and knows he has at least one in the bag. He has another interview a company based in Dallas. If the offer is right then it looks like we may be moving. They don't encourage over time because they are big on family time. Now that's what I like to hear. All these years of my husband going to school and working has taken it's toll on me and I want my husband back. He seems really interested in this company and our money will go further up there when it comes to buying a home. Dad, I know you don't like to hear this but we have to go where the money is. You will always be welcome in our home, of course and maybe you can transfer up there someday ;-)....yeah I know, you just bought a house. No sense in worring over it now when we aren't even sure where we are going to end up.

I am SO ready for Tyler to start school. I think we need a break from eachother. I probably irritate him as much as he gets on my nerves sometimes. He really over all is a very well behaved child, but STUBBORN! I don't even want to hear it, I know he gets that from me. I get so tired of trying to teach him new things and he thinks he knows better than I do. Ok, so sometimes he does, like the green cricket issue (where I argued that crickets were brown and he argued that they were greeen). Thanks Susan for poining out that Jimmy Cricket is green ;-). The why's get so frustrating too. Like, "Tyler, go eat your dinner" Tyler "Why?", and this is the part that gets me most (me) "Because I said so, that's why". Now if that doesn't sound like my mother than I don't know what does. Things I said I would never say, I now find myself saying, and several times a day I must add. It's funny though, when I was a kid and my mom would fumble for words to find a logical explanation for things when I was talking back or being obnoxious her words always made sense to me. Now I am doing the same thing and sometimes I just want to laugh at myself for the things that come out of my mouth. Like today for instance, Tyler had decided he was going to be mad at me because when he grows up Ava will grow up too and he wanted her to only stay a kid (see the things I go through???). Anyhow, a few mintues later he says to me, "Mommy, we need to go get some chocolate pudding from the store". I told him, "No, because of the way you are acting, kids that act like that don't get pudding and you are acting ????". Acting what??? I didn't want to imply that he is a bad child by saying that he was bad. I just turned up the radio and hoped he wasn't going to ask me just how it was he had been acting.

It was funny today as I was driving around doing errands two early twenty-something boys drove up next to me. I had my front windows down enjoying this gorgeous weather we are having and they just kept waving and smiling looking like idiots while I just kept trying to ignore them. So finally after I tried getting ahead of them and then them catching up, I just rolled down my back windows and said, "Say hi Tyler and Ava!". After that they drove ahead of me without looking back. Funny how kids can scare almost anyone off.

Tyler has been reunited with his long lost love from school, Sarah. We ran into them at the gym today and he was so happy to see her. They hugged and talked and then we parted ways. They are going to start coming earlier so the kids can spend time together in the daycare.


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Mon May 2, 2005 5:53 am MST by GRANDMAGLO

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