Ty's first day of school 

Ty's first day of school

He started pre-k yesterday at a public elementary school. I was fine up until about an hour before we left. I asked him to throw something away for me and he took it from me and said ok and my hands covered my face and the tears started flowing. I don't know why it hit me at that exact moment. He looked at me with a half grin and I asked him if he knew why I was crying and he said, "yes" and so I asked him why. He said, "Because I am growing up".

I finally got it back together and we got ready for school. I was okay up until he got in his line to go into the school behind all the other little kids and he looked back and waved and then blew me a kiss. I had to walk away but I didn't want to. I walked half the distance back to my car and then turned, just in case he would be running back to me, begging me to take him back home.Of course at this time if he did come running back all I wanted to do was embrace him and comfort him. But he wasn't there anymore, my big boy was ready for school. It was me that wasn't and I was the one that needed HIS comfort. I made it through the rest of the day by spending some girl time at the mall with Ava. It was tough but I know this is how it is supposed to be, I just can't believe my baby is becoming so independent and grown up.


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Comment I did the same thing when you went to 1st grade and when I read your e-mail I relived that moment, tears and all. We will probably do the same thing again in a few more years. LOVE, MOM/GRANDMA

Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:12 pm MST by MOM

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