The Cadena Kids 

Another first

Tyler rode the bus today for the first time. I cried, a little.....WHAT??? Are you surprised? He was so excited and honestly it will make it a little easier on me since I won't have to wake Ava from her nap to go pick him up. Here's a few pics from that.....

Waiting with sis

Posing while waiting


Finally the bus is here!

One more thing, Ava is so into dolls right now. Baby this and baby that. In fact, she is now feeding them too!
ava feeds baby.jpg

Newest things:
Ava can now put her dishes in the sink when she is finished with them!
She now wants to rock before every nap and before bedtime. She walks up the stairs saying, "Wock, Wock?". Then I will ask her, "Do you want to rock?" and she says "yeah" very excitidly of course.

The other day we sat on the couch and she looked around at everything and pointed to everything she could name and would say it. Nose, mouth, teeth, chin, neck, cheeks, hair, head, eye, ear, leg, arm then onto pillow, couch etc. She talks SO much it's unbelievable.

And lastly, she can count to eight! Sometimes she goes from seven to nine but I figure at least she is saying the numbers, we will worry about the order later;-).


I love you Mom

This is the comment my mom left in response to "Ty's first day of school"

I did the same thing when you went to 1st grade and when I read your e-mail I relived that moment, tears and all. We will probably do the same thing again in a few more years. LOVE, MOM/GRANDMA

Ty's first day of school

He started pre-k yesterday at a public elementary school. I was fine up until about an hour before we left. I asked him to throw something away for me and he took it from me and said ok and my hands covered my face and the tears started flowing. I don't know why it hit me at that exact moment. He looked at me with a half grin and I asked him if he knew why I was crying and he said, "yes" and so I asked him why. He said, "Because I am growing up".

I finally got it back together and we got ready for school. I was okay up until he got in his line to go into the school behind all the other little kids and he looked back and waved and then blew me a kiss. I had to walk away but I didn't want to. I walked half the distance back to my car and then turned, just in case he would be running back to me, begging me to take him back home.Of course at this time if he did come running back all I wanted to do was embrace him and comfort him. But he wasn't there anymore, my big boy was ready for school. It was me that wasn't and I was the one that needed HIS comfort. I made it through the rest of the day by spending some girl time at the mall with Ava. It was tough but I know this is how it is supposed to be, I just can't believe my baby is becoming so independent and grown up.


South Padre update soon on its way

As soon as Sarah sends me some pics I'll update all about our trip.

Newest phrases/ words
Sit with you (I want to sit with you)
Socks off (take my socks off.....please;-))
Cacob (Jacob)
All done, not sure if I posted this one already
gum, not that she gets any, but she asks for it
swim suit

And she is understanding so much now. She can pretty much comprehend everything I talk to her about or ask her to do. She responds with a "yeah" or "no" or follows whatever orders I ask of her such as "Put_____ in the trash" etc etc.

Tyler last night insisted that we are going to have another baby and we are going to name him/her Salmon. He said the baby in my tummy will be named this and I told him there wasn't a baby in my tummy. He said I know, you and Daddy haven't made one yet. I then asked him what if I didn't want to have another baby. He said God will make me have one. You think he knows something I don't??? I hope not, especially with the name Salmon.



Curiosity didn't kill the cat, it drove the mommy crazy!

Oh I SO wasn't looking forward to this phase again (although I don't think Ty will ever get through it!). Tyler started asking at age two the infamous "Why?" question for everything. Two is an early age to start this but I guess Ava decided to beat him out. She started yesterday(7/27). She asked for another cookie and I told her no more cookies. She said, "Why?" I told her because I was going to cook dinner and she said,"No. Ummm Cookie". Ummmm before anything means I want. So then I said no again and she said, "Why?". Do you see where this is going? Ok, I really dont mind the "why" stage, its really quite cute, I just wasnt prepared for it to start so soon!

Yesterday Dh was in the backyard with the kids and he said Ava was walking around saying "Scooby Doo, where are you?" and looking around. So Ty says "lets pretend AJ(our dog) is Scooby Doo!" and so she went up to AJ and says "Scoobey Doo!". She also wakes from her nap saying, "Where are youuu?". Just had to chime in with my humour for the day.

We leave for South Padre on Tuesday and we get back on the 7th. Mikey starts his new job on the 8th. Yes, he found a job! Please pray that we will get to stay in San Antonio, or at least Texas. The other state we may have to move to is Arkansas:-p.


Calling all computer saavy experts

Can someone tell me why all the links on the left hand side of the page (ads) are all toilet related? All except the ones I directly added myself, such as belly elan and Ava's Accents. Do you think the webmasters are trying to indirectly say something about my blog????


Diet Day 3

Day 3 and I am DYING for a hamburger! Today is the last day and I am down a total of 3 pounds, 5 pounds in a week though. Only 15 more pounds to go, sounds so easy huh?

How could I forget Ava's favorite word? MINE! She even says it in her sleep!


Scooby Doo!

Ava's newest words are ScoobyDoo! But you have to say it fast with where all the letters run together to get the full effect of just how very cute she sounds. Oh and then a breath later comes, "Where areee yooouu?". I guess she heard the song one of the million times we watched Scooby Doo 1 or 2 as those are Tyler's favorite movies right now.

Mikey's job hunting is coming along. The whole interview process is so time consuming, often having 3 or more interviews per offer. I know the right one will come along. We just are praying that it's soon.

My sweet Tyler......
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are blue. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

This is Ava's comfort song but Ty and I both enjoy singing it to Ava and eachother.

Gotta get off this computer, its about to storm, YAY! We haven't had any rain in about 2 months! I think the latest hurricane sucked it all up and spewed it everywhere but Texas! Not to fret, South Padre is expected to get hit with the next hurricane next week. Guess where we are going for vacation in 2 weeks??? South Padre *sigh*


Diet Day 1

almost to end of day one......not too bad. It's a 3 day diet, if it works, I'll post it here. As long as it leaves me enough energy to still play volleyball tomorrow, I am cool......hungry, but cool.


A few more words

Newest words:

french fry
swimming suit
NaNa (this would be my sister in law, Anna whom Ava loves and adores!) She's been saying this for a while now

WIsh me luck on my diet I start tomorrow :-P


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